On the Shareable Stories page, you'll find ready-to-share presentations that showcase the impact of Renaissance products on student learning in your community.
The first shareable story is What Your Kids Are Reading, a fun, engaging, and easy-to-share presentation of the most popular print and digital books read by students in your district based on passed Accelerated Reader quizzes and myON books read. If your district does not use either Accelerated Reader or myON, you will see a message on the page.
Select Shareable Stories at the top of Renaissance Next for Leaders to go to this page.
Choose the District or a School
By default, the page shows data for the entire district (District Overall). If you want to focus on one school, select the Select School drop-down list and choose the school name.
Featured Story
First, you'll see overall information about your students' reading this school year, including whether the information is for the district or a specific school (based on the drop-down list). The data includes:
- number of books read
- the percentage of fiction read versus nonfiction
- number of words read
Select a Grade
For the rest of the data on the page, choose a grade to view information for using the Select Grade drop-down list.
To the left of the grade drop-down list, you'll see a link to the latest national What Kids Are Reading Report. You can also find the report at or go to https://www.renaissance.com/resources/what-kids-are-reading/.
What Your Kids Are Reading
Next, you'll see the most popular books for students in your district who are in the grade you chose; data is for the calendar year (as shown above the words "What Your Kids Are Reading"). You'll see top books in Accelerated Reader (based on the quizzes students have passed) and top books in myON (based on the books students have opened). If you only have one of these products, you will only see top books for that product. To the right, you'll see the number of students who have read, the number of books, the percent nonfiction, the average words read and average ATOS book level per student, and the most popular authors.
Explore Books to Inspire Every Reader
Do you want ideas to inspire your students' reading? The next section suggests books for students in the grade you've chosen and provides some background on why they may be great choices for your students.
District Summary
This section summarizes information about your students' reading for groups of students based on grade. Depending on the grades in your school, you may see grades Pre-K-2 or K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and/or 9-12. Data for each group includes:
- number of students and schools
- number of books read
- percentage of nonfiction read
If you want to see a table of this data broken out by individual grades, select Show Grades Table at the bottom.
For each grade that has data, the table includes the number of students, the number of books read, the average number of books read per student, the average number of words read per student, and the average ATOS book level of the books read by each student. You will also see totals for the numbers of students and the number of books read.
You can hide the table again by selecting Hide Grades Table above the table.
Downloading and Sharing the Data
To share the data you're viewing, select Download or Save at the top of the page. This will save the data as a PDF that you can share with others.