Renaissance Analytics is now Renaissance Next for Leaders. In Renaissance Next for Leaders, you can monitor student progress in your Renaissance assessments and practice solutions, ensuring that teachers and students are getting the most out of your Renaissance products. Renaissance Next for Leaders helps you monitor trends in engagement and performance so you can guide implementation and plan for resources, and it gives you high-level data to share with external stakeholders. In Renaissance Next for Leaders, you can get a quick view of overall metrics or dig deeper into metrics and filter by school or student characteristics.
Renaissance Next for Leaders Home
Use this page for a quick view of student engagement across all Renaissance products, to see helpful news and tips, or to explore the Renaissance Next view for teachers. You can make this your Renaissance Home page so you can see metrics quickly whenever you log in.
District and School Profile
For the district or a school, these dashboards show you overall metrics and make several different views available through the icons at the bottom of each metric tile. You can also select Explore to find out more about the data over time, by standard or strand, or by content.
Our Schools
Use this dashboard to compare metrics for schools or to focus on data for a specific school.
Our Students
Use this dashboard to see data by student and the percentage of your students in categories that measure proficiency, performance, or activity. You can also filter by student characteristics.
Student Profile
Use this dashboard to focus on all scores and data for a specific student.
Shareable Stories
On the Shareable Stories page, you'll find ready-to-share presentations showcasing the impact of Renaissance products on your students' learning. The first shareable story, What Your Kids Are Reading, allows you to see and share the most popular print and digital books read by students in your district based on passed Accelerated Reader quizzes and myON books read.
Opening Your Apps
To open your apps, use the options on the left side of every Renaissance Next for Leaders page or the menu at the top of the page.
Going to the Teacher Renaissance Next View
If you would like to see Renaissance Next for Teachers (which is also the Home page for many teachers), in the top left corner of the page, select Teacher under the Renaissance Next logo in the top left section of the page.