What activities lead to recommendations in Renaissance Next?
Skills practice activities in Freckle and Lalilo and Star Reading and Star Math assessments lead to the recommendations that you see in Renaissance Next. Recommendations begin appearing the day after activities.
What types of resources are included in recommendations?
Depending on the products that you subscribe to, you may see recommendations for Freckle skills practice activities, Lalilo lessons, or Nearpod lessons or activities.
Why do Renaissance Next and the Star Record Book show different benchmark categories for a student's score?
Renaissance Next always uses the district benchmarks, while the Star Record Book may use state, school, or district benchmarks. If the Star Record Book isn't using district benchmarks, the cut scores for the benchmark categories may be different. For more information on the types of benchmarks available, see Defining Benchmarks in Star Assessments. To change the type of benchmarks used in the Star Record Book, select the settings icon in the top right portion of the page:
Then, in the window that opens, use the drop-down list to choose the type of benchmarks to use for each Star assessment. When you're done, select Save. (The assessments listed are the ones available on your site for the subject you have selected in the Record Book.)