When you log in and go to Renaissance Next, you may be asked to enter your email address if that address has not been entered in Renaissance software or hasn't been verified. Enter your school email address and select Continue.
An email will be sent to the address you entered. Click the link in the email to verify your email address. Be sure to check spam or junk email folders if you do not see the email in your inbox.
If the email address shown on the page is not correct, select Change Email Address and enter the correct email address.
If you need a new verification email because the link expired or you didn't find the original, select Resend Verification Email.
Once you've verified your email address, you won't be asked to do this again; when you log in, you will go to Renaissance Next. If you do not verify your email, you will see the Enter Your Email or Email Verification Pending page again the next time you log in (depending on whether you entered an email address).