What Does Renaissance Next Give My Teachers?
Renaissance Next goes beyond a simple Home page for Renaissance software - it helps teachers quickly see their students' recent work, what students need, and where to go next.
Two Ways to See Student Progress and to Find Out Who Needs Support
In the Summary view, for reading and for math, teachers see which students need a helping hand, which are working at an appropriate level, and which are ready for more. To see more detailed information, teachers select the student's data for skills, books, or assessments. To see suggestions for skills practice and lessons, teachers select Take Action.
The Skills view shows teachers which skills their students are currently working on, whether they're stuck, and how they're performing. As in the Summary view, teachers can select Take Action to find suggestions for skills practice and lessons.
A Way to Recognize Students for Their Efforts
The Superstars of the Week view gives teachers a way to recognize at least two students per week for their work, with all students receiving recognition at least once during the school year. Teachers can choose from a variety of images and enter a message to praise or encourage the student.
A Search for Lessons and Activities
On any Renaissance Next page, teachers can use natural-language search to find lessons and activities that support the skills they are teaching now.
Quick Access to Apps and Reports
The apps assigned to the teacher's classes are available on the left under My Apps in the standard browser view. On a tablet/mobile device, teachers open a menu to select their apps.
A Reports link is also available on the left or through the mobile device menu; teachers can also search for a specific report to find it more quickly.
How Can I See Renaissance Next for Teachers?
Follow these steps:
- On your Home page, select Renaissance Next. If you have chosen to make Renaissance Next for Leaders your Home page, you can skip this step.
- In Renaissance Next for Leaders, in the top right corner, you'll see a Renaissance Next logo with selections for Leader and Teacher. Leader (Renaissance Next for Leaders) is selected. Select Teacher to go to Renaissance Next for Teachers.
- You will go to the Renaissance Next Summary view for teachers described above, and you can select the Skills and Superstars of the Week views. When you are ready to return to the Leader view (Renaissance Next for Leaders), select Leader again.
On mobile devices or in smaller windows, select the apps icon at the top of the page and chose the Teacher option in the popup window.
Note: When administrators select the Teacher view, some Freckle links (reports, skills assignment, and the activity feed) will be unavailable since those links are meant for teachers of a specific class.
Which Teachers Will Have Renaissance Next, and When? Can We Decide When It's Available to Teachers?
Renaissance Next is available to US teachers who are using two or more of the following: Star (any Star assessment), Freckle, Accelerated Reader, Lalilo, and myON; teachers must also have a verified email address. Renaissance Next includes Star Reading, Star Math, Star Early Literacy, Star CBM, Freckle ELA and Math, Accelerated Reader, myON, Lalilo, and the Nearpod library.
All teachers who meet these requirements will see Renaissance Next instead of the previous Home page starting July 1, 2024. District Level Administrators can choose a different date for teachers on their site using the Renaissance Next setting in the Renaissance Product Administration settings (select your initials at the top of the page, then Manage Apps and Users, then Product Administration, and then Renaissance Next). The administrator can choose any date from July 1, 2024 to January 1, 2025.
Teachers who don't have at least two of the eligible products assigned to their classes will not see Renaissance Next; instead, they will continue to use the existing Home page, with links to their products and reports.