Renaissance Next for Leaders shows the following data for Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Math, and Star CBM Lectura:
- Students Assessed / Assessments Completed
- Students At/Above Benchmark (Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math)
Students in Satisfactory/Optimal Benchmark (Star CBM Lectura) /
Benchmark Category
Data is updated nightly.
School and District Metrics (District Profile, School Profile, and Our Schools Dashboard)
The following metrics are shown for Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Math, and Star CBM Lectura:
Metric | Description |
Students Assessed | Definition: The number of students who completed one or more assessments at within the last 28 days. |
Students At/Above Benchmark (Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math) or Students in Satisfactory/Optimal Benchmark (Star CBM Lectura) |
Definition: The percent of students who scored in the specified benchmark category on grade-level screening measures during the given district screening window. The student’s most recent result is used. Note: In Renaissance Next for Leaders, Star district screening windows are used to show data instead of Star CBM screening windows/seasons. |
Student Metrics (Our Students and Student Profile Dashboards)
The following metrics are shown for Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Math, and Star CBM Lectura:
Assessments Completed During the Last 28 Days
- Definition: The number of assessments completed within the last 28 days.
- Performance Levels:
Color | Criteria |
4 or more assessments completed | |
2-3 assessments completed | |
1 assessment completed |
Benchmark Category
- Definition: The student’s most recent benchmark level on the screening measure in the given district screening window (note that Star district screening windows are used, not Star CBM screening windows). The student’s most recent result is used.
- Performance Levels on the Our Students Dashboard:
Color | Star CBM Reading and Math Criteria (Benchmark Level) | Star CBM Lectura Criteria (Benchmark Level) |
At/Above Benchmark | Satisfactory/Optimal | |
On Watch | - | |
Intervention | Alert |
Note that Star CBM Data Insights differs in two ways: it uses Star CBM screening windows instead of district screening windows, and it uses the earliest assessment in each window instead of the most recent.
Past Data
In the Student Profile, you can see data from the current and previous school year. Explore also includes Star CBM data for the current and previous school years.
Data by Measure Type
For the Students Assessed metrics, Explore also allows you to view Star CBM data by assessment measure.
For more about Star CBM Reading and Math measures, see Getting Started with Star CBM. For Star CBM Lectura, see Getting Started with Star CBM Lectura.