Renaissance Next for Leaders shows the following Accelerated Reader data:
- Active students
- Quiz proficiency
- Quizzes passed school year to date (shown for the district and schools only)
Data is updated nightly.
School and District Metrics (District Profile, School Profile, and Our Schools Dashboard)
Metric | Description |
Active Students |
Definition: The number of students who have taken at least one Accelerated Reader quiz of any type in the past 28 days, regardless of whether quizzes were passed or failed. |
Quiz Proficiency (Percent Correct) |
Definition: The percent of active students whose average quiz percent correct in the past 28 days is 85% or higher. Average quiz percent correct for each student is the average of their quiz scores for all quizzes they've taken (passed and failed). Cut point: 85% or higher. |
Quizzes Passed School Year to Date |
Definition: The number of Accelerated Reader quizzes of any type passed by students in the current school year. |
Student Metrics (Our Students and Student Profile Dashboards)
AR Quizzes Taken During the Last 28 Days
- Definition: The number of quizzes taken by students in the past 28 days (includes passed and failed quizzes).
- Performance Levels on the Our Students Dashboard:
Color | Criteria |
7 or more quizzes taken | |
3-6 quizzes taken | |
1-2 quizzes taken |
Accelerated Reader Quiz Average Percent Correct
- Definition: The average percent correct for each student, calculated as an average of their percent correct scores on each quiz. Both passed and failed quizzes are included.
- Default Cut Point: 85%.
- Default Performance Levels on the Our Students Dashboard:
Color | Criteria (Average Percent Correct) |
95% or higher | |
85%-94.9% | |
75%-84.9% | |
Below 75% |
Past Data
In the Student Profile, you can see data from the current and previous school year. Explore also includes Accelerated Reader data for the current and previous school year.
Data by Book Level, Fiction/Nonfiction, and Quiz Type
Explore also allows you to view Accelerated Reader data by ATOS book level, literacy category (fiction or nonfiction), and quiz type (Reading Practice, Other Reading, Literacy Skills, Article, and Vocabulary Practice Quizzes).
Data About Books and Words Read and the Most Popular Books by Grade
The Shareable Stories page shows you the overall number of books and words read and the percent of fiction and nonfiction read. It also shows you the most popular AR and myON books for the selected grade, books to explore for that grade, and data on books read and percent nonfiction by grade range and for specific grades.