Renaissance Next for Leaders gives you powerful, high-level insight into students' performance based on Star tests. In the Renaissance Next for Leaders Dashboards, you can see:
- The students assessed / assessments completed
- The proficiency rate and students' benchmark categories based on district benchmarks set in your Star software (When you set district benchmark categories, you choose the category that represents the minimum proficiency level.)
- The estimated proficiency rate and students' benchmark categories based on students' estimated state benchmark scores
- Students' Student Growth Percentiles and growth categories
Reports and dashboards for Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy also provide information about your students' testing, proficiency, and Student Growth Percentiles. See the table below. Note: Renaissance Next for Leaders uses district screening windows to show data, while Star reports often use school screening windows; for more about screening windows, see Viewing Screening Windows.
Data in Renaissance Next for Leaders | Equivalent Data in Star Reports/Dashboards | |
Students Assessed and Assessments Completed | Star Test Activity Report, Star Summary Report, and Star Data Insights | The Star Test Activity Report shows how many tests each student has taken in a time period. Both this report and the Star Summary Report can help you identify the students who have not tested. The Star Data Insights show you screening rates for the district screening window, both as a percentage and as a number. |
District Proficiency (English and Spanish): % of students at or above the district benchmark minimum proficiency level on the Star assessment and the number of students in benchmark categories.* |
Consolidated Assessment Proficiency Report | Includes the number and percentage of students who are proficient based on their Percentile Rank, Normal Curve Equivalent, or Student Growth Percentile scores and the proficiency score that you select for the report. (The selected score is used instead of benchmark categories.) |
Consolidated Progress Report, Consolidated Ranking Report, and Consolidated Status Report | Options can be chosen to report on students who are at/above or below the Percentile Rank or Normal Curve Equivalent proficiency score that you select. | |
Star Screening Report | How many students are in each benchmark category and how many are above and below benchmark for District, School, or State benchmarks. (State benchmarks are available for Star Reading and Star Math.) | |
Star State Performance - Class Report | The number and percentage of students who are on a pathway to proficiency on the state summative tests. | |
Star State Performance - Student Report | A graph for each student who has tested showing that student's pathway to proficiency on the state summative tests. | |
Administrator Dashboards | Dashboards on the Administrator tab of the Reports page are available to show you the forecast state benchmarks for reading and math as well as the percentage of students predicted to be at/above or below state benchmarks for reading and math. | |
Current Student Growth Percentiles (English and Spanish): Percentage of students at or above typical growth for the current Student Growth Percentile and students in growth categories. The Our Students and Student Profile dashboards show the current Student Growth Percentile for each student. Note: In Renaissance Next for Leaders, Student Growth Percentile requires a Fall test score, and the first Fall test is used as the starting point. |
Star Growth Report | Students' growth over time, including Student Growth Percentiles, the students' scores on each test taken during the report timeframe, and the change in scores between the last two tests. Because the report may use a score other than the first Fall test as the starting point, Student Growth Percentiles may differ from those shown in Renaissance Next for Leaders. |
Standards mastery: Percentage of students who have achieved secure mastery (80-100%) on standards. This information is available in the Explore view; for more information, see Reviewing Data Over Time, by Standard, by Strand, or by Demographic Group (Explore). Note: Renaissance Next for Leaders shows comprehensive mastery, which includes all assignment and assessment data in Renaissance. For reading, it includes data from Star Reading and Star Early Literacy as well as Star Custom assessments. For math, it includes data from Star Math and Star Custom assessments. |
Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard | The Monitor Students Mastery Dashboard shows you whether students' domain and standards mastery levels are in Beginning (0-59%), Developing (60-79%), and Secure (80-100%) mastery, both for the overall class or group and for individual students. Note: This dashboard may show comprehensive mastery, assessed data (from Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math only), or probed mastery (from Star Custom assessments and Accelerated Math Instructional Practice). |
State Standards Mastery - Class Report and Star State Standards Mastery - District/School Report | The State Standards Mastery - Class Report shows each student's level of mastery for standards and whether it represents Beginning (0-59%), Developing (60-79%), and Secure (80-100%) mastery. Note: Star State Standards Mastery Reports show assessed mastery only - mastery as shown by Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy tests. |
Strands mastery: Percentage and number of students who have achieved secure mastery (80-100%) for each strand (comprehensive mastery as described above). | Star Diagnostic Report (domain scores) and Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard | For Star Reading and Star Math, the Star Diagnostic Report can include domain scores that show each student's percentage of mastery on skills in each domain based on those Star tests (assessed mastery). The Monitor Students Mastery Dashboard shows you whether students' domain and standards mastery levels are in Beginning (0-59%), Developing (60-79%), and Secure (80-100%) mastery, both for the overall class or group and for individual students. This dashboard may show comprehensive, assessed, or probed mastery. |
Other reports on the Star / Assessment and Administrator tabs of the Reports page can give you more insight into Star test data. These reports include other scores reported by the Star software.