In Renaissance Next for Leaders, metrics for Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy include students who have taken a Star test and gotten a benchmark score in a district screening window. Only tests taken in a district screening window are shown, and only for schools that use the district screening windows. If students have taken more than one test in a district screening window, only the most recent test is included for the metrics. Note: Student Growth Percentile is calculated using different windows; see Student Growth Percentile below.
Score/Metric | What It Shows | Star Tests It Is Shown For |
Students Assessed/Assessments Completed |
For the district and schools, this shows how many students have taken at least one test in the district screening window. For individual students, the Our Students and Student Profile dashboards show how many tests each student has taken in the window. |
Star Proficiency (District Benchmark) - English and Spanish |
For the district and schools, this shows the percentage of students who are at or above the district benchmark minimum proficiency level on the Star assessment. |
Star Proficiency Rate (State Benchmark) |
For the district and schools, this shows the estimated percentage of students who are at or above the state benchmark on the Star assessment. For individual students, the Our Students and Student Profile dashboards show the student's most recent estimated benchmark level for the upcoming state test (with 1 being the lowest level). |
Student Growth Percentile - English and Spanish |
For the district and schools, this shows the percentage of students at or above typical growth for current Student Growth Percentile based on the students' earliest Fall score and their latest score in the current SGP window. Student Growth Percentile windows are: Fall: August 1 - November 30 Winter: December 1 - March 31 Spring: April 1 - July 31 Student Growth Percentiles will continue to change as students take tests outside the district screening windows; if you want to compare proficiency and growth, take this into account as you choose when to do the comparison. Note: Star reports may use another window's test as a starting point, and they may use either window-specific Student Growth Percentiles or current Student Growth Percentiles. For more about Star and SGPs, see Student Growth Percentiles. For students, the Our Students and Student Profile dashboards show the current Student Growth Percentiles. |
*For grades 1-8 only; Star Spanish Student Growth Percentiles only reflect data recorded on or after 7/20/2020 |
In Explore, you can also get information on students' standards and strands mastery.
Score/Metric | What It Shows | Star Tests It Is Shown For |
Standards Mastery | When you select Explore on a tile, you can choose to view data by standard, which will show you the percentage of students who have achieved secure mastery (80-100% mastery) based on their Star test results. For more about how to see standards data, see Reviewing Data Over Time, by Standard, by Strand, or by Demographic Group (Explore). Note: Renaissance Next for Leaders shows comprehensive mastery, which includes all assignment and assessment data in Renaissance. For reading, it includes data from Star Reading and Star Early Literacy as well as Star Custom assessments. For math, it includes data from Star Math and Star Custom assessments. |
Strands (see domain scores in Star reports) | Also in Explore, you can view data by strand to help you decide whether students may need additional instruction in specific areas. Explore shows you the number and percentage of students who have achieved secure mastery (80-100% mastery) on strands based on their Star test results. See Reviewing Data Over Time, by Standard, by Strand, or by Demographic Group (Explore). |
Renaissance Next for Leaders does not show data from:
- Star Reading and Star Math Progress Monitoring tests (shorter tests taken outside the screening dates by students with a Star goal)
- Star Math Algebra tests
- Star Math Geometry tests
- Star Custom assessments