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Welcome to Renaissance Next for Leaders (formerly Renaissance Analytics)! We are excited to offer you access to all of your district’s data for Renaissance solutions in one place. Here are a few tips for getting started.
Not sure what Renaissance Next for Leaders offers? Start with the video you'll find in Introduction to Renaissance Next for Leaders, or keep reading.
Renaissance Next for Leaders gives you insight into your students' performance in Star, Star CBM, Star Phonics, and SAEBRS/mySAEBRS assessments, Accelerated Reader quizzes, myON reading, Lalilo practice, and Freckle practice across subjects. Your data is displayed across 5 dashboards, each designed with a unique purpose in mind.
District Profile | Our Schools | School Profile | Our Students | Student Profile |
Tile summary for all schools | Table summary by school | Tile summary for your school | Table summary by student | Tile summary for a student |
District and School Profiles
The District Profile and School Profile display data in tiles. These tiles allow you to fully explore each metric. Metrics are available for:
- Star students assessed and proficiency for Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy in the most recent district screening window and Star Student Growth Percentile (English and Spanish).
- Accelerated Reader active students and quiz proficiency in the past 28 days and quizzes passed in the school year.
- myON active students and average minutes read in the past 28 days and words read in the school year.
- Freckle active students, average minutes practiced, and accuracy for reading and math in the past 28 days (plus science and social studies if those metrics are turned on in the metric visibility settings).
- Lalilo active students, percent of students practicing the recommended time, and percent of students who are on track. Data is from the past 28 days.
- Star CBM students assessed in the past 28 days, and benchmark data for reading, math, and Spanish reading in the most recent district screening window.
- Star Phonics students assessed with a screener in the beginning of year, middle of year, and end of year windows and those assessed with a diagnostic assessment in the past 28 days.
- SAEBRS teacher assessments and mySAEBRS student assessments, including the number of students assessed and the percentage at low risk.
Clicking on the icons at the bottom of each tile allows you to gain additional insight into each metric.
If you need to do a more in-depth analysis, select Explore, which allows you to see up to five years of data for Star Reading, Star Math, Star Early Literacy, Star Spanish, and Star Phonics screener data and up to two years of Star Phonics diagnostic assessment data and Accelerated Reader, myON, Freckle, Lalilo, Star CBM, and SAEBRS/mySAEBRS data. You can see longitudinal data by different groups of students (e.g., primary ethnicity or other demographic data if that data has been added for students in Renaissance software). On the District Profile, Explore is available to those who have access to all schools.
For more information, see District and School Profiles.
Our Schools
Our Schools allows you to quickly compare progress across schools. You can sort by an individual metric or filter by demographic fields to ensure you are equitably serving all students. The schools that are included are those that are actively being used on your Renaissance site based on the current school year. For more information, see Our Schools Dashboard.
Our Students
Our Students offers insight into individual student performance. You can sort or filter by metrics and demographic fields. For more information, see Our Students.
Student Profile
The Student Profile provides in-depth information about each individual student. The student’s demographic data (as provided in Renaissance software) appears at the top left, with metrics and trend lines displaying below.
Shareable Stories
On the Shareable Stories page, you'll find ready-to-share presentations showcasing the impact of Renaissance products on your students' learning. The first shareable story, What Your Kids Are Reading, allows you to see and share the most popular print and digital books read by students in your district based on passed Accelerated Reader quizzes and myON books read. You can also get information about the number of books and words read, the percentage of fiction and nonfiction, and books to explore for a selected grade. The page includes data for the school as a whole, grade ranges, and specific grades.
Users & Permissions
Renaissance Next for Leaders classifies users into two categories: Administrators and School Leaders. District Administrators are users who are District Level Administrators in other Renaissance software. Other District personnel in Renaissance software are School Leaders with access to all schools; they can view data for all schools and students, but they don't have the same access to settings that Administrators have. School Level Administrators and staff in Renaissance software are also School Leaders in Renaissance Next for Leaders, but they can only view data for their schools and students; they also can see aggregated data on the District Profile and Our Schools Dashboard unless the administrator has chosen not to allow this using the school leader visibility settings. (Teachers in Renaissance do not have access to Renaissance Next for Leaders.)
Renaissance Next for Leaders User Type | District Profile | Our Schools | School Profile | Our Students | Student Profile |
District Administrators | ALL | ALL | ALL | ALL | ALL |
School Leaders | ALL** | ALL** | Assigned Schools* | All in Assigned Schools* | All in Assigned Schools* |
* School Leaders who are District personnel in Renaissance can access all schools and students.
** Using the school leader visibility settings, the administrator can hide the District Profile for School Leaders and limit School Leaders to their own schools on the Our Students dashboard.
Renaissance Next for Leaders Administrators also have the ability to determine which metrics are visible for which schools, and make other configurations to your site. School Leaders cannot change those settings.
Opening other Apps
If you want to open another Renaissance app, in the top right corner of the page, select the icon showing dots (see the example below); then, select the app that you want to open.
If you select Freckle, Lalilo, myON, Nearpod, or Renaissance-U, the app that you selected will open.
If you select Reports, AR, or Star, a menu will open to allow you to choose the page you want to go to. See the Star example below.
Additional Support
Still have questions? Check out additional Renaissance Next for Leaders help articles or contact Support.