Renaissance Next helps you quickly see your students' recent work, what they need, and where to go next. If you have reverted to legacy mode and you want to see Renaissance Next again, select the toggle on the Home page, then select Sure, I'll try it! to continue.
Right now, Renaissance Next is available to US teachers who are using two or more of the following: Star, Freckle, Accelerated Reader, myON, and Lalilo; teachers must also have a verified email address. Renaissance Next includes Star Reading, Star Math, Star Early Literacy, Star CBM, Freckle ELA and Math, Accelerated Reader, myON, Lalilo, and the Nearpod library.
How Renaissance Next gives you a complete picture of your students' data
The Renaissance instructional ecosystem gives you a clear view of your students every step of the way. Simple, accurate assessment tools show you exactly where students are and what they’re ready to learn next. Engaging and flexible instructional tools personalize learning to each student’s unique needs, while insights and data solutions provide administrators with x-ray vision into what’s happening in their schools.
What Will I Find Here?
For a video about Renaissance Next, see
Renaissance Next shows information up through the previous day. Information is updated every night.
If you're here to find practice activities and lessons that relate to what you're teaching your students now, enter a natural language phrase in the search field at the top of the page. The more specific information you include, the better results you'll get.
The results will include related Nearpod library lessons, Lalilo lessons, and Freckle targeted skills practice. For Nearpod lessons, select View Video or View Activity to go to a page where you can preview the lesson and add it to the lessons you have saved to use with your class. For Freckle targeted skills practice, select Preview and Assign to find out more and assign practice to your students. For Lalilo, select Assign to assign lessons to students. Note: Administrators who are viewing the Renaissance Next teacher experience don't have links available for Freckle; those links are available to teachers only.
Summary View
Choosing the Subject and Class
Use the drop-down lists to choose which subject (reading or math) and which of your classes you want to work with. Select classes that are using Star, Freckle ELA or Math, Accelerated Reader, myON, and/or Lalilo.
About the Four Categories
The Summary view shows you your students in four categories: Need a Helping Hand, Working at an Appropriate Level, Ready for More, or Time to Practice. These categories are based on students' practice and assessment in the past two weeks; they help you see what your students might need to do next. Select the arrow to the right of a category to see a list of the students, how many Freckle and Lalilo skills they have in progress, how many books they have read based on Accelerated Reader quizzes and myON data, and how many Star assessments they have taken. You'll also see the last assessment date. For Time to Practice, you'll see practice recommendations instead of student data.
This is what the four categories tell you:
- Needs a Helping Hand: Within the past two weeks, students in this category had low accuracy on recent practice and/or scored below proficiency on their most recent assessment.
Working at an Appropriate Level: Within the past two weeks, students in this category:
- are learning as they practice and are achieving moderate accuracy, or
- they had no benchmark available on their most recent assessment, or
- they were not proficient on an assessment taken more than two weeks ago
- Ready for More: Students in this category are excelling in practice and have scored at or above benchmark on an assessment in the past two weeks.
- Time to Practice: Students in this category have not done any practice or taken any assessments in the past two weeks.
Note: For Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy, assessment proficiency is based on district benchmarks.
Information Flagged with a Red Dot
Some information from the past two weeks may be shaded in red with a red dot. This happens when a student:
- Is stuck on a Freckle or Lalilo skill
- Has Accelerated Reader quiz scores below 50%
- Has an assessment score that is below benchmark
Freckle and Lalilo Skills Practice Data
For any student, select the number of Freckle and Lalilo skills in progress to see a list of those skills and which ones the student is stuck on (skills where the student's accuracy is less than 50% and the student has practiced at least 3 items).
Reading Practice Data from Accelerated Reader and myON
Select the number of books read to see more information about the student's reading in the past two weeks. You will see how many words the student read in the past 14 days, and how that number compares to the words read in the previous 14 days. For each book or article the student has read, you will see the date, the title and author, whether any myON reading is still in progress and how many minutes the student read that title, the book level of the title (if available), and the quiz score if an Accelerated Reader quiz was taken.
In the AR Quiz Score column, you may see a dash for myON books that are still in progress or "No quiz available" for myON books that do not have Accelerated Reader quizzes. You may also see "Quiz not taken" when the student has completed a myON book that has an Accelerated Reader quiz, but they have not taken that quiz.
To change the type of book level shown, use the ATOS/Lexile toggle above the table.
If you want to go to the Accelerated Reader Student Details page or to the myON student page to see more information, see the links at the top of the window.
When you're done viewing the data, select Close at the bottom of the window.
Assessment/Star Data
Select the number of assessments for a student to see the student's scores on Star Reading, Star Math, or Star Early Literacy assessments and Star CBM assessments in the last 90 days. In the window that opens, you will see the student's score and benchmark category for each assessment taken for the selected subject. If you want to see more information about these and other Star scores, select Star Record Book at the top of the window.
Finding Recommendations in the Take Action Window
What happens next? Select Take Action for each student to see recommendations. (Take Action is not available for students with no activity in the past two weeks.)
Depending on what the student has done, you may see recommendations for specific Freckle skills practice, Lalilo lessons, or a Nearpod lesson or activity. Select a Nearpod lesson to open it in a new tab, where you can preview it and add it to your lessons. Select a Freckle skill to open the skills practice in Freckle and assign practice to your students. Select a Lalilo lesson to assign it to students. If the student has no Freckle or Lalilo activity, or if the student has been working on adaptive practice, the recommendation will be to log in and practice. Note: If you are an administrator viewing the Renaissance Next teacher experience, the Freckle skill is not linked; only teachers see a link to open and assign the skills practice.
Open Your Apps
On the left, you'll see a list of the apps that have been assigned to your classes. To open one, select the app icon. If you select AR or Star, you'll see more links and apps so you can choose exactly where you'd like to go.
If you are using a tablet or a smaller browser window, select the app icon at the top of the page instead and then select the app. If you select AR or Star, a popup window will show you more links and apps so that you can select what you need.
Open Reports
Select Reports on the left under My Data and choose the product whose reports you want to see. For Star / Assessment, you can choose to see either Reports or Data Insights; for Star CBM, you can choose Data Insights or the Caregiver Report. Note: If you are an administrator viewing the Renaissance Next teacher experience, Freckle reports aren't available; you can select those reports in Renaissance Analytics and other administrator views.
You can also search for a specific report using the search field at the top. The matching reports will be listed; select the report you want.
If you are using a tablet or a smaller browser window, select the app icon at the top of the page instead and then select Reports. Then, in the popup menu, choose the product whose reports you want to see. If you select Star / Assessment or Star CBM, you will be able to choose between reports and Data Insights. You can also search for a report.
Do You Have Feedback?
We appreciate your feedback on Renaissance Next. Simply select Send Feedback just under the Renaissance logo to send us your thoughts.
Other Views
Select Skills to see a list of the skills your students are working on and students' status and actions for those skills. Note: The Skills view is not available if none of your classes have Freckle or Lalilo assigned.
Select Superstars of the Week to celebrate the accomplishments of students in the past 7 days.
Going Back to the Previous Home Page
If you decide to go back to the previous Home page, select Revert to legacy mode in the top left corner of the page. You will have the opportunity to opt in again. Note that this option is only available for 90 days after Renaissance Next is released to your district.